Staining vs. Sealing A Deck, Toms River NJ This is something that confuses many people. so let's clear it up once and for all. A wood deck needs to be protected from primarily two things, moisture and sun. Rain and snow will cause the wood to get moldy and eventually rot, and the sun will cause the wood to oxidize (turn gray), dry out, crack, weaken, and become structurally unsound. What the industry calls a "sealer" is a coating that is applied to the deck, has no color, and will only protect from the moisture. The reason it does not protect from the sun, is because it is the color in a sealer that is designed to block out the UV rays of the sun. If you choose a sealer, the deck will still oxidize and become gray. A deck stain on the other hand, is basically a sealer with color added to it, so it will protect from both the moisture and the sun. We almost always recommend going with a premium quality deck stain, as this offers the best protection for exterior wood. Staining vs. sealing a deck, Toms River NJ is really just a question of understanding how exterior wood needs to be protected. Many homeowners will go out and by a sealer, apply it to the deck, and three months later when the deck is all gray, they will think that the sealer was an inferior product (perhaps it was...) when really the product cannot protect from the sun in the first place. Unless you don't want any color on your deck, it is best to stay away from the so called sealers, and rather choose a stain that can be a beautiful color to match your home, and still show all the wood grain. Staining vs. sealing a deck, Toms River NJ is a no brainer......however it's always best to discuss your needs with an exterior wood restoration expert who can help you make that deck last for a long time.